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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The Next War, Operation Attila - Inside the War, NATO Gazette No. 2

NATO land phase still ongoing. with air strikes of unprecedented intensity against two 2nd Guards Tank Army divisions, 50 km South of Ruhr urban area. 

For the second time, a SHAPE report about the latest events has been made publicly available.

SHAPE HQ - Mons, Belgium, D+15 13:30 CET

Admiral Gunter Luther quickly scanned the latest BDA reports about the air strikes against 2nd GTA.
"Not good. Not good at all." he whispered. 

He took the reports and entered the office of SHAPE Commander, already knowing what was going to happen. "Sir, we have the first reports about Operation Angry Boar."

General Rogers was sitting at his desk, studying several maps with Brigadier Clay, his Chief of Staff; 
he looked at the Admiral: "OK, let's see what 2nd ATAF can really do. Gunter, give us the short version."

The German Admiral opened the report and started:"According to 2nd ATAF, today between 04:00 and 12:00 CET more than 400 fixed-wing and 275 rotary-wing aircrafts engaged 7th DDR Armored and 66th Soviet Motorized Divisions, 50 km SouthEast of Wuppertal."
"Before 05:00, enemy air defenses were effectively suppressed  by a combination of Wild Weasel and traditional SEAD missions, with little losses. At 05:00 the attack waves began to strike the target area. According to the pilots' reports and the subsequent Bomb Damage Assessment, the total losses inflicted are 214 tanks, 184 APCs, 120 trucks, 22 large caliber motorized artillery. The personnel losses are estimated at 1200 units or more."

The SHAPE Commander listened his Deputy Officer in silence, livid. Then, he exploded. 
 "FUCK!! WHAT THE FUCK!! They promised me to ANNIHILATE those divisions! 700 aircrafts and all we get is the equivalent of TWO REGIMENTS of dick suckers destroyed?!"

Rogers threw his coffee mug against the wall, then turned to the window while trying to regain his self-control. "What the FUCK went wrong? Are they using FUCKING FIRECRACKERS instead of iron bombs?"

Admiral Luther answered "According to 2nd ATAF report, low-altitude cloud cover in the target area heavily hampered operations. Most of the kills were scored by French Gazelles attacking in a good weather window. We should call our French friends and thank them for the good work."

"OK. What about our losses?"

"Good news here Sir. 6 fixed-wing planes shot down, 60 damaged, Almost no losses for rotary-wings."

Brigadier Clay sighed: "At least we'll be able to use them again in 24 hours. Until then, we'll have to rely on the boots on the ground."

Luther opened another report: "Sir, better news from V Corps. As planned, US 1st Brigade, 2nd Armored Division supported by V Corps Artillery attacked 4th DDR Motorized Division. Despite being severely outnumbered, they were able to push the Commies back enough to reopen the supply line of US 1st Mechanized Division."

"Veeery good!" Rogers replied, eating furiously a croissant.


  1. Hmmmmm....not a good start to Angry Boar. Perhaps there are some undiscovered faction of W. Germany's Green Party working within NATO's Air Forces?? Time to arrest suspected Communists and make them "disappear". Great review again! Time for the 1st Mechanized Division to lead the advance and liberate E. Germany from the foul stench of Communism!

    1. Luckily, many soldiers living under the lies and serfdom of capitalism have seen the true light and are now actively helping the liberation of their country!

  2. What is this!? A US general eating a g@d@mm @*(! croissant, french pastry!? No wonder this thing is going south! With an American general eating like an effete, limp dick pansy, no wonder they have lost the will to fight!! Time to shoot this pseudo french snail eater and replace him with a true American general who drinks whiskey and eats donuts for breakfast!! First they floridate the water,next they are eating fine chocalots and before you know it they become surrender monkeys!!! Shoot the generals!!

    1. I couldn't agree more!
      Far from being an example to his subordinates, he loses control and indulges in decadent activities! In the Russian Motherland, he would be already executed.

  3. Bon Appétit bitches. Excellent report.

  4. Thanks Kev! Take some croissants for Mosley, he seems to need them ;)

  5. Hard to see a guy like Rogers losing his temper like that. He was the SACEUR around the 2d time I got to Germany in 1982.

    1. The last two weeks must have been quite hard for him :-)

  6. Very impressive credentials. I have to agree that he seemed hardly the type to lose his cool. Perhaps breaking into a song would more be his style. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It looks like things aren't going well at SHAPE HQ. ; )

  9. I expect General Jack Ripper and his bodily fluids to take command in a few days :-)


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