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Monday, 9 October 2017

1985: Under an Iron Sky - Box Art

Here's the probable final version of the box art.....It also includes the logo of our newborn publishing company, "Thin Red Line Games".


  1. Salve, la data di uscita e il prezzo li sapete? Il gioco comprende solo il fronte centrale, ci saranno espansioni in seguito?

  2. Dimenticavo, la Cover art del box è molto bella, complimenti

    1. Grazie Pietro!
      Il gioco dovrebbe uscire alla fine del 2017, con un prezzo intorno ai 200$ (dipenderà dai costi di stampa).
      "1985" copre il fronte centrale dalla Danimarca al Nord Italia, se tutto va bene pubblicheremo due espansioni:
      - Fronte Artico, scandinavia e zone limitrofe
      - Fronte Mediorientale, dal confine Turchia - USSR fino al Golfo Persico

  3. Hey was wondering how big are the counters going to be??? 1/2? or bigger? hopefully bigger as most wargamers are 40+ (im in the 35 range ) :)

    1. The counters will be "standard SPI" 1/2 inch.
      I played with the idea of having them bigger, but:
      1. There's 2000 of them
      2. Bigger counters mean bigger hexes, and the whole map is already 95x170cm, bigger than "The Next War" one

  4. Argh..... Tooooo small for me :( ...

  5. Make them bigger :) . 1/2 is too small your demographic is 40+ people who are going to buy your product have big tables and are aware of big maps, if so make smaller scenarios for smaller skirmishes!!! it being 1/2 is just too small
    ! Renderli più grandi! I'd pay $200 - $250 for it :)


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