Saturday 2 September 2023

The Fate of All - Tentative Box Art, v3

The ancient Boeotian Muse Melete finally appeared me in dream, and today I was able to produce a first version of the box for The Fate of All.

I went to the Battle of Issus mosaic, and used a lead white pigment to write the words Melete suggested.
I also had to use some ochre pigment, that I bought from a shady Phoenician merchant and costed me a fortune. Oh, the sacrifices the Gods require from a poor wargame designer!

I would have liked to use the Greek notation for the years, but "111th Olympiad, Year 3" is probably a bit cryptic today.

The box will be 31.5 x 23.5 cm, the same size used for the C3 series. I've made some test and it should be able to accommodate the 5 maps (4 operational and 1 tactical), the 4 - 5 countersheets and everything else without any problem.


  1. :-) :-) :-) Great. I can advise you to make a small dark shadow from the letters or a thin dark outline of the letters for better readability.

    1. Yep, I've added it in the latest version...very light, but it makes a difference :)


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